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Veranstaltet von Children of the Universe

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Hello amazing community!

We’re super excited to announce our very first session of 2025.

With fresh, vibrant, and uplifting energy, we’re coming together again to share an amazing experience of deep connection, within ourselves and with each other, through consciousness, art, dance, and loads of deep ethnic & mystic electronic music

Simple rules to follow:

 NO Alcohol nor heavy drugs

 Respect & Consentment

 Dance Barefoot

 Light and comfortable clothing

 Earth Medicines are welcome 



Sound Journey 


Active Meditation: Synergy Yoga 


Line Up





18:00 Doors Open

19:00 Ceremony

19:40 Sound Journey 

20:00 Active Meditation 

20:20 We Dance! 

21:00 Doors Close

01:00 Event Ends

Date 25.01.25 18hrs - 01hrs

Sant Martí, Barcelona.

1st release 15€

2nd release 20€

Puerta 25€

A holistic market and artistic exhibitions enhance the chill-out area by:






¡All the tribes are welcome!


In diesem Fall hat der Veranstalter keine Altersbeschränkung festgelegt, wenn Du dennoch Zweifel hast setze Dich gerne mit dem Veranstalter direkt in Verbindung.


Ambiente, gente, musica, ceremonias todo espectacular, muchas gracias por organizarlo, nos vemos en la proxima!!!
Enrix War dabei am 25/01/2025
Fue una experiencia increíble. Repetiré!
Alex War dabei am 25/01/2025
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